Kljuc za Echinodorus vrste


Osnivača sajta
Staff member
9 Avgust 2003
New Plymouth New Zealand
Ovo je kljuc pomocu kojeg moze da se identifikuju vrste biljaka iz roda Echinodorus. Ovaj kljuc je baziran na radu Dr. Karel Rataj i smatra se trenutno vazecim kljucem. Napomenuo sam da je Dr. Karel Rataj objavio novu sistematiku ovog roda ali dok se to ne usvoji ovo i dalje vazi.
U novoj sistematici je dodato jos vrsta i nekoliko podvrsta na osnovu nekih detalja. Drugim recima pojedine sadasnje vrste su podeljene na neke nove vrste.

Da sada ne citiram kompletno izlaganje dodacu samo nekoliko vaznih stvari za odredjivanje vrste.

Biljka mora da je zasadjena u vodi i da se dopusti da izadje i van vode, da razvije cvet i plod. Bez toga je ponekada nemoguce da se odredi vrsta.
Jedna te ista vrsta moze da pokaze razlicite karaktere u zavisnosti od uslova, recimo temperature ili dubine akvarijuma. Iz tog razloga se i zahteva da se biljka gaji kako je gore navedeno i kada procveta onda pokazuje standardne karakteristike i SAMO U TOM SLUCAJU je moguca identifikacija.

Eto to bi bilo u vezi te identifikacije pa se nadam da cemo sada malo drugacije da gledamo a ujedno i procenjujemo o kojoj se vrsti biljke radi pogotovo kada vidimo neku sliku.

Srecna identifikacija biljaka :)

Key to Echinodorus Species

1a Leaves ribbon-like, several times longer than wide, but not more 
   than 20 mm Wide; flowers with 6 to 9 stamens, propagated by root runners .... 2

1b Leaves not ribbon-like, blades wider than 20 mm, the flowers with more
   than 9  stamens.............................................................. 5

2a Submersed leaves lanceolate, generally wider than 15 mm, 5 to 10 times 
   longer than wide ............................................ E. quadricostatus

2b Submersed leaves narrower than 15 mm, usually 10 to 30 times longer 
   than wide ....................................................................3

3a Leaves usually only 25 to 50 mm long, not more than 75 mm long .....E. tenellus

3b Leaves more than 5 cm long ...................................................4

4a Leaves 5 to 15 cm long, about 10 mm wide .........................E. latifolius

4b Leaves 20 to 40 cm long, not more than 10 mm wide .............E. angustifolius

5a Plants develop only submersed leaves and do not grow out above the surface of
  the water; leaf blades much longer than wide, lateral veins connected with midrib
   some inches above the blade base .............................................6

5b The plant develops, in a good light, floating or emergent leaves, as well as
   submersed leaves; blades not more than twice as long as wide; all main veins
   directed towards the blade base ..............................................12

6a Leaf margin undulate, blade apex blunt or rounded  ............................9

6b Leaf margin flat, blade tapered ...............................................7

7a Leaves not more than 3 or 4 times longer than wide, base sometimes cordately
  incised or truncate ...............................................E. parviflorus
7b Leaves at least 6 times longer than wide, the base tapering to the petiole,
   blades arched, recurved, not more than 30 mm wide .............................8

8a  Blades arch-like recurved, max. 30 mm wide....................... E. amazonicus

8b Blades not curved, 30 to 50 mm wide ..................................E. bleheri

9a Leaves green .................................................................10

9b  Leaves reddish, red-brown to black-brown ....................................11

10a Leaves light green, dull; usually narrower in the lower third, widening towards
    the apex ..............................................................E. maior

10b Leaves  dark  olive-green,   very  glossy;   regularly   tapering towards base
    and apex, widest in the middle ....................................E. horemanii

lla  Leaf blades 40 to 50 mm wide; young leaves bright red, older leaves dark
     brown-green ........................................................ E. osiris

l1b  Leaf blades not more than 30 mm wide; young leaves red-black, older leaves
     red-brown .....................................................E. uruguayensis

12a Submersed leaves may take many shapes (multiform), some ribbon-like, others
    narrowly to broadly lanceolate or cordate to rounded; floating, emersed leaves
    ovate, cordately incised .......................................... E. berteroi

12b Submersed leaves uniform   ..................................................13

13a Leaf blade heart-shaped, pointed at the apex ................................14

13b Leaf blade not pointed, blunt at the apex ...................................15

14a Leaf blades at an obtuse angle to the petiole, almost hori 
    zontal .......................................................... E. horizontals

14b Leaf blades not at an angle to the petiole but continue in the same direction
    as the petiole .......................................................E. opacus

15a Blades ovate, tapering to the petiole, 2 or 3 times longer than wide, 
    eventually tapering to the apex as well as to the base  .....................16

15b Blades cordate, lobate at the base, usually only a little longer than wide ..17

16a Blades 15 to 30 cm long, usually broadly oval .................E. argentinensis

16b Blades not more than 10 cm long, lanceolate, often spotted 
    red-brown ........................................................E. pellucidus

17a Leaf margins not undulate, leaves nearly rounded ................E. longiscapus

17b Leaf margins undulate, leaves cordate with blunt apex  ......................18

18a No pellucid markings on the leaf blades (there being two species, 
    distinguishable only in the emersed form) ....................................19

18b Discernible, long pellucid lines in the blades of emersed as
    submersed leaves ..................................................E. cordijolius

19a Blades of emersed plants cordate to triangular, with short points;
    achenes with a large number of glandules
   (i.e., visible organs of secretion) ...............................E. macrophyllus

19b Blades of emersed plants ovate, incised at the apex; 
    achenes with 3 glandules ...............................................E. scaber