Cimao sam se da skinem stare reflektore samo tako ali cim sam okacio novu rasvetu sve se prebolelo
Bas nista nisam menjao to me i buni...pomislih mozda je nesto crklo pa zbog toga buknule bakterije medjutim sve na brojuDa dodam, pokusaj da analiziras sta si ranije i kako radio pa da nisi nesto promenio sto bi moglo da utice na akvarijum. Da nisi mozda promenio vrstu hrane?
Pa ni to mi nije logicno,prethodna rasveta imala 3 * 150 w a ova 8*39w,nema logike,plus pola plavih sijalica?Možda ti je voda "procvetala" zbog nove rasvete.
White Cloudy Aquarium Water
White cloudy water is a result of a bacteria bloom.
Sometimes the cleaning of all the filters at once, or the changing of the gravel can trigger a bacteria bloom, due to the removal of bacterial colonies that have settled on the filter media or substrate. Another cause can be medical treatment of the tank using antibiotics, which may destroy these colonies.
The bacteria are either re-establishing themselves, or crowding the aquarium due to favorable conditions (poor water quality), multiplying at such a high rate that the water becomes cloudy white.
A bacteria bloom is cause for concern:
Bacteria need oxygen. A few grams of bacteria consume about the same amount as an adult human, again posing a threat of de-oxygenation in the aquarium.[Broken External Image]: action is required if the problem is severe, or persists.
It is also advisable to check on ammonia[Broken External Image]:[URL] during the period of a bacteria bloom, as ammonia may rise to dangerous levels.
In a salt-water aquarium, the protein skimmer[Broken External Image]: usually helps to prevent and cure a bacteria bloom, as the bacteria are removed as particles. Make sure the skimmer works properly when a bacteria bloom arises.
A severe bloom can create an oily film and enough foam-depressing agents to make a skimmer go flat (no foam, no function). This has to be taken very seriously. Despite oxygen depletion, ammonia gets moretoxic[Broken External Image]: at higher pH levels, which is characteristic for salt-water environments.
It is therefore vital to make the skimmer work again. An oxidation agent such as potassium permanganate can be used. Diluted and used sparingly (1% and only added in the low ml region), it will oxidize enough fat to be picked up by the skimmer, thus jump-starting the system.
a recimo da i jeste zbog nove rasvete sta dalje?smanjiti rasvetu ili?Ne zbog W, možda zbog K ili L?
a sta ce glup covek sedi i gleda se ponekad malo i pocesem po glavi pa opet gledam hahahah...Kako si izdrzao tri dana da cekas, ja bih poludeo posle 2 sata...
a recimo da i jeste zbog nove rasvete sta dalje?smanjiti rasvetu ili?
nesto mi pada napamet ali tu treba Boban da uskoci,imam dva puza svaki velicine jajeta,kad sam ih uzimao rece mi covek da znaju da oboje vodu u belo kad se pare